terça-feira, 29 de outubro de 2024

As 4 Principais Fases de Resposta à incidentes de CyberSegurança

The four major phases of the incident response process are:

  1. Preparation: This requires a team trained and ready to handle incidents. Ideally, various measures are put in place to prevent incidents from happening in the first place.
  2. Detection and Analysis: The team has the necessary resources to detect any incident; moreover, it is essential to analyze any detected incident further to learn about its severity.
  3. Containment, Eradication, and Recovery: Once an incident is detected, it is crucial to stop it from affecting other systems, eliminate it, and recover the affected systems. For instance, when we notice that a system is infected with a computer virus, we would like to stop (contain) the virus from spreading to other systems, clean (eradicate) the virus, and ensure proper system recovery.
  4. Post-Incident Activity: After a successful recovery, a report is produced, and the lesson learned is shared to prevent similar future incidents.

sexta-feira, 25 de outubro de 2024

What's my career identity?

Well, I am a kind of "IT Agent Guy" with some years of experience helping people use technology to drive success of their plans.

My greatest strength is collaborating and helping teams to have a good performance in their goal, and I have a talent for solving problems and searching for the best solution depending of the situation.

I am passionate about empowering people with the capacity to have a better life using technology and bringing solutions that really works.

And most importantly, I value having fun and being collaborative, inclusive, and honest while I do it.

Beneficio da Segurança

  • Protege contra ameaças internas e externas
  • Atende à conformidade regulatória (regulatory compliance)
  • Mantém e melhora a produtividade (dos negócios)
  • Reduz gastos
  • Mantém a confiança da marca.
Empregos comuns na área após o Curso de Certificado Profissional de Segurança cibernética do Google:
  • Security Analyst or Specialist
  • Cybersecurity Analyst of Specialist
  • Security Operations Center (SOC) Analyst
  • Information Security Analyst

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